Whether you are searching for a Mosquito Lagoon fishing guide or the ultimate guide to fishing Mosquito Lagoon, look no further. Code Red Fishing Charters is known for fishing the lagoon all year-round. This fishing guide should help you make the most of your next fishing experience at Mosquito Lagoon.
Fishing Guide to Mosquito Lagoon
This fishing guide to fishing the lagoon should make catching your trophy catch an exciting adventure. Mosquito Lagoon is an estuary located in the northern end of the Indian River Lagoon system and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The grassy flats create our beautiful redfish honeypot, Mosquito Lagoon. The lagoon is home to a rich food source for redfish and seatrout, such as finger mullet, shrimp and crab. The food source holds the redfish and seatrout in the lagoon all year-round.
Redfish and Bull Reds
Mosquito Lagoon, is the only place redfish live their entire lives inshore, making this an opportunistic environment for catching those bull redfish that tip the scales in excess of 30 pounds any day of the year. While more than 600 fish species occupy Mosquito Lagoon, the most popular species of fish in Mosquito Lagoon is redfish. The abundance of redfish give rise to the title "Redfish Capital of the World.” This means that on any fishing trip with our fishing guide on any day of the year, you could hook a monstrous bull redfish.
Required Permits
Since Mosquito Lagoon is part of the wildlife refuge and national seashore, your fishing guide is required to hold a valid permit that is issued by the government. If you want to legally fish Mosquito Lagoon, join Code Red Fishing Charters, and Captain Matt Lee will be your fishing guide.

Fishing Guide to Catching Redfish
Follow this fishing guide, and the only struggle you will have catching redfish is in the fight at the end of the line. The average redfish in Mosquito Lagoon is about 22” to 27” and weighs about 4 to 8 pounds. A 10 pound braided line with light tackle is a good rig for catching the average redfish. Mosquito Lagoon is home to some of the world's largest bull redfish. Florida's redfish state record is 52 pounds and 5 ounces! Bull redfish are known to exceed 80 pounds. These aggressive fish can put up a ferocious fight at the end of a line. Follow this fishing guide and use a 60 to 80 pound fluorocarbon on a 7-foot heavy-action rod with a 5/0 to 7/0 circle hook, and you will be prepared for any bull redfish encounter.
Baiting for Redfish
Redfish have a natural diet of live shrimp, minnows, mullet and menhaden. Redfish are bottom feeders. A sure way to get action is by baiting with live finger mullet and crabs on a standard bottom fishing rig. Cut bait adds scenting to the scenario and can really get some action on the line. Our fishing guide likes to use live or cut bait, but lures work well too.
One of the most important tips this fishing guide can offer is about baiting. Always think about how your target fish perceives your bait. This means to work your bait fish or lure to imitate the prey of the fish you are targeting. Consider all things, such as size and the behaviors. And remember, big fish eat big bait.

Code Red Fishing Charters
Your Mosquito Lagoon fishing adventure begins with the ultimate fishing guide at Code Red Fishing Charters. Climb aboard our 18 ft skiff with Captain Matt Lee and experience a fishing excursion like no other. You will learn all the tips and tricks to fishing the lagoon, from sight fishing redfish to baiting and casting secrets. Call Captain Matt Lee at (386) 214-3530 to plan your fishing adventure!